Tuesday, 11 November 2008


On warm summer nights

the porch becomes our living room

where Mama takes her reading

and Dad and I play games

in the patch of brightness

the lamp scatters on the floor.

From the darkness, others come

small round bodies

clinging to the screens

which separate us

from the yard beyond.

Drawn to our light,

the June bugs watch our games

and listen to our talk till bedtime

when Mama darkens the porch

and breaks the spell

that holds them close to us.

By Joanne Ryder
Conclusion about the poem
Why isn't the poem called "June Bugs"? Well, I think the poem carries that title because the June Bugs are just a part of the scene but what really matters here is what the whole situation provokes in the child. Through the description of the sorrounding I came up with the idea of a happy child who is "enchanted" by the pleasant atmosphere created in the house.
Another idea could be that the beauty of the secene fills the reader with "enchantment"

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